We’ve Helped 10+ SaaS Companies Reach their Marketing Goals.

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Our Case Studies

Plobal Apps

In this era of humungous competition, all the online endeavours are aiming towards a better place on the internet.
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Nest Asia

Nest Asia is a leading Shopify ecommerce store based in India
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Wedding Card Co

The Wedding Card Co currently known as Rohan Aparna had launched an Online Wedding Card Ecommerce Store
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Keyword Research

40$ / month

Using proprietary processes & technology we find the best keywords you could target in your industry, deconstruct what’s working for your competitors, find the gaps that you can exploit, and help you understand your total addressable market in search. Then we put that data into action.

Technical Optimization

40$ / month

We find any issues your site has from a technical standpoint and help fix them through world-class technical audits, monthly performance analysis updates, detailed consultative direction on site speed, core web vitals, site architecture, internal links, and international site optimization. We go deeper than a crawl with detailed direction and guidance or even direct implementation if needed.

Technical Optimization

40$ / month

We find any issues your site has from a technical standpoint and help fix them through world-class technical audits, monthly performance analysis updates, detailed consultative direction on site speed, core web vitals, site architecture, internal links, and international site optimization. We go deeper than a crawl with detailed direction and guidance or even direct implementation if needed.

Technical Optimization

40$ / month

We find any issues your site has from a technical standpoint and help fix them through world-class technical audits, monthly performance analysis updates, detailed consultative direction on site speed, core web vitals, site architecture, internal links, and international site optimization. We go deeper than a crawl with detailed direction and guidance or even direct implementation if needed.

Work With Saas

Work with a SaaS SEO Powerhouse

As a SaaS business, your primary job is to provide seamless, efficient solutions that simplify and streamline your customers' lives. We're here to do the same for you by offering specialized SEO services tailored specifically for SaaS companies.

Mohite Digital Services is backed by decades of experience dominating the organic search market. Our dedicated team understands the exclusive challenges and opportunities of promoting software-as-a-service, and we're committed to helping you maximise your online visibility, drive targeted traffic to your platform, and ultimately, boost your bottom line. 

The MDS Advantage


Scale your business with relevant SEO strategies and state-of-the-art link-building activities.


Boost your product signups, activation, and MRRalong with your daily organic traffic.


Fill your ARR gap rapidly with a dedicated SEO team that makes every minute count to get the best outcomes.

Stay ahead of the competition and go beyond

Schedule a Free Consultation

Hire a SaaS SEO Agency like MDS if you’re

Launching a new product or service and needing visibility in the digital world

Excited to improve your search rankings for increased brand exposure, organic traffic and potential conversions

On a quest to identify and target specific keywords that align with your customers’ needs to attract relevant traffic

Looking to expand into new markets or regions and want to conduct market research and focus on local SEO

Seeking a fresh approach to your existing content strategy based on an extensive SERP analysis

Expecting Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) by targeting correct keywords to bring in more prospective customers to your website



Years of High-level SaaS SEO Experience



Satisfied Clients 



1st Page Keywords Ranked



Organic Traffic Generated

Client Testimonials

Our Client Says

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Vinod and his team are most proficient in their work, very diligent and have a good understanding of the digital marketing spectrum.It was a pleasant experience working with you.

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Our Client Says


Mohite Digital Services has consistently demonstrated their deep understanding of search engine optimization, and their strategies have significantly improved our online presence. Our website's visibility in search results has increased, resulting in a substantial boost in organic traffic and, most importantly, a notable growth in leads and conversions.

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Our Client Says

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One of the best and experience ppl to work with. Has tons of knowledge how google works and new ideas every time. All the best to you

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The MDS SaaS SEO Framework

Go-to-Market Strategy

Our advanced SEO strategy involves understanding your customer’s buying journey and targeting them at the right Customer Engagement Touchpoints via keyword research, on-page SEO, technical SEO, content creation and optimization, quality backlinks and monthly reporting and analysis.

Research -> Roadmap -> Recommendations -> Reach

Backed by extensive research, we provide a roadmap for your SaaS business to drive MRR along with organic traffic. Our expert team prioritizes our recommendations based on their potential impact and we start implementing them for higher digital reach.

SaaS-Focused Solutions

Adapting and embracing the latest SaaS-specific trends, we move forward with a fast-paced growth mindset to make the most effective use of our time. We work with subject matter experts to deliver high-quality, advanced SaaS content that helps tap new opportunities in a highly competitive landscape.


Will SEO decrease my customer cost acquisition?

Absolutely! Our expert SEO strategies will boost your online visibility, attracting more targeted Organic traffic and reducing your overall customer acquisition costs.

Can I target my customers at various customer engagement touchpoints?

Yes, our comprehensive SEO approach ensures that your brand reaches customers at multiple stages of their journey, enhancing engagement and conversions. Right from the search to the final buying decision, our SEO team is working towards targeting the right customers with the right keywords and messages at the right time and in the right way!

Will SEO improve my MRR churn rate?

Our targeted SEO strategies will help you attract the right customers, increasing satisfaction and reducing churn for improved Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR).

Will you optimize my app store webpage? 

Yes, our services include app store optimization to enhance your app's discoverability, driving more downloads and user engagement.

Would I be able to build brand authority? 

Our expert SEO team will help you establish a strong online presence, positioning your SaaS brand as an industry authority and driving trust among potential customers.

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